Sunday, September 28, 2008

Menu Redux

Me: "Aw man. I have to come up with a menu for the week."
Mr. Dinner's on Me: "Just use an old menu."
Me: "You're brilliant."
Mr. Dinner's on Me: "I am."

Most of the time I find creating my menus enjoyable and I look forward to trying out new recipes. Sometimes however, it is a chore and the only thing that makes me do it is this blog. But I'm glad! Don't get me wrong. By the middle of the week I'm so happy to have the menu so I don't have to think about what to eat each day. Also, when I have a menu, I shop once. With no menu, I find myself making several "quick" trips to the grocery store. Ug.

For this week's menu, I (sort of) took my husband's suggestion. In the past few weeks there have been a few things on my menu that for one reason or another never quite made it to the dinner table. Life happens, right? So I've brought them back for this week's menu.

There have also been several recipes that DID make it to the dinner table but I haven't written the posts for yet. I have a folder on my desktop full of lovely food photos ready to be set free. I'll let you all decide which one I do first. Here are your options:

Just leave a comment with your vote. You can vote all you want. Mmmm - I know which one I vote for. (Number one and number five really are the same post, but different recipes.)


  1. Umm, yeah--foil dinners. Because I love love love them. And they are never as good inside as they are out camping, but camping is over for me--at least till summer, so I'll cook them indoors if I must. And the pear. Because I think there is a good chance it is gluten free.
    Love you!

  2. You're right - it is gluten free. It's dessert on Thursday :-)

  3. I'd like to see the recipe for photo # 4 !

  4. Number 2 & 6 look good. I could use a good recipe for foil dinners. I'm tired of mine.

  5. I think they all look yummy - you take great food pictures even #4 that looks like BBQ - which I don't like - but the picture makes it look good. But, I think I'm most interested in #6.

  6. I like 4 and 6. I use to eat foil dinners all the time with my family on camping trips. It must be a Mormon thing...:)

  7. andy,
    is this blog a secret? how come i didn't know about it? i'll have to tell you how i found. and now that i have, i have subscribed to it. yee-haw!

    i can not stop thinking about lunch yesterday. you think i'm kidding? i'm not.

  8. Cynthia- nope, not a secret. I thought you already knew about it - sorry! I'm glad you loved lunch as much as I did. I made the panzanella again yesterday. I couldn't help myself.


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