Friday, August 20, 2010


I’m here. I’ve just been busy. Some of my time has been taken up with trying to make some changes to my computer. For the past month I feel as if my computer has been non-functioning more than it’s been functioning. All better now though.

I’ve also been caring for and eating from our garden. Honestly, the actual gardening doesn’t take that much time – maybe 15 minutes each day to water and pick. Guess how many weeds I’ve pulled this year…. 7. I’m not exaggerating. Last year it was 2. I’m a huge fan of square foot gardening. In a small space we’ve been able to plant more than enough herbs and vegetables for our family.

Here’s what we’ve been enjoying this year:

corn (planted 18)

cucumbers (1 vine)

jalapenos (1)

onions (20)

peas (12)

tomatoes (early girl & grape)

banana peppers (1)

basil (2 plants. Can’t you just smell it? yum!)

green beans (16 plants, two varieties)

carrots (4 varieties, 128 carrots total)

cilantro (crop #2 – hopefully we’ll be able to enjoy it before the first frost)

green peppers (2)

We also have chives, oregano, thyme, leeks and parsley.

I love love love the foods of summer.


These Balsamic Grilled Vegetables are amazing and really easy. Grill them up while your salmon (or burgers, hot dogs, etc) is on the grill and you’re good to go. We have these at least once a week, sometimes as terriyaki grilled vegetables and occasionally as plain ol’ salt/pepper/olive oil grilled vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. this is for your garden photos....all I can say is yum! You put my little Oregon piddley garden to shame. Good job sis :-)


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