Thursday, August 23, 2007

BLrTwsbamyd - The Perfect Storm of Sandwiches

Today for lunch I had a BLrTwsbamyd, also known as a bacon-lettuce-roasted tomato-with-sourdough-bread-and-mom's-yummy-dip sandwich. It began simply enough, with just a desire for a good BLT. I purchased the needed ingredients: bacon, lettuce and tomatoes. The next day, I decided to oven-dry the tomatoes for a little twist (I'm such a dare devil!). The following day my mom came to visit and made the yummiest sourdough bread dip you can imagine. Today at lunch I decided it was time to create my much-anticipated sandwich.

I toasted the sourdough bread, slathered it with dip, added three oven-dried tomatoes, a leaf of crisp lettuce, topped with warm crispy bacon and another slice of toasted sourdough bread. I paused just long enough to photograph it, and then I inhaled it. It's very likely that this sandwich will never again occur. Bacon and sourdough bread are specialty items around my house and never last long. The bread dip my mom made, while very delicious, is not something that I'll always have on hand, and unless I need them for a recipe, I'm not sure I'll be oven-drying my tomatoes regularly. Ah, but it was a good sandwich. (insert wistful sigh here)

Oven-Dried Tomatoes
(great on pasta, or for just eating as a snack)

Slice tomatoes in half and place seeds-up on a cookie sheet. Bake in a 300 degree oven for 1 hour. Reduce heat to 200 degrees and bake tomatoes for 2 hours. Turn off oven and leave tomatoes in for 1 more hour. Remove from oven, cool and place in a bag to store.

( Yugoslavian cheese spread)

*great on sourdough bread, or as a dip for veggies*

1 8-oz box of cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/2 cup feta cheese, room temperature
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon Italian Herb Seasoning

In small bowl of electric mixer, beat all ingredients until light and fluffy. Spoon into a small serving dish. Cover and refrigerate. Let stand at room temperature 20-30 minutes before serving. Makes about 2 cups.

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