Sad, sad day. I'm no longer participating in our neighborhood's produce co-op. So this is now my source of basil. Granted, it's not bad - at least I don't have to use the dried stuff that's been on the grocery store shelf for years. I sure wish I had a spot in my non-existent garden for some home grown basil. Maybe next year. For now, this is my basil. Strangely enough, it's packaged with its roots. If you've never tried fresh basil, make yourself a pizza and sprinkle some on top. Ah, basil!
Hey - good news. You can grow herbs in your house during the winter - just water and give a little sunshine and they actually grow. Then you can have fresh basil.
If only you had stayed with the co-op...you could have big bags of fresh basil whenever you wanted--for very very very cheap. Sigh. Your loss. Plus that is one less time that I get to see you in a week. My loss.
Nice pear picture by the way. Did you lift that from the co-op site? those are for members only.
Someone told me today that you can put Basil in your wheat and it will keep it clean
You're killing me, Andy! I need some new posts to look at! By the way, Mercer is our secret weapon. Anytime I make something that the kids deem "questionable", I claim that I got it from your website and that Mercer loves it. They lick their plates clean.
I love this blog!
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